Tracey Birmingham

Personal Injury

Tracey has been with Forster Dean since 2003, demonstrating real dedication and commitment. With unquestionable enthusiasm, her aim is to ensure that Forster Dean’s Personal Injury Department continues to be a leader in the field.

Tracey undertakes her role as a Senior Associate with the utmost care and true warmth and empathy, not only for her clients, but also for her colleagues. She is always supportive, and truly someone you can depend on. Tracey has a specialist interest in cases involving liability disputes, psychological injuries and capacity issues.

Ensuring that each and every client is listened to, heard and understood, is key. Every client matters. Working with a client rather than for a client to achieve results.

Winning cases is what Tracey does best, and this often includes cases those turned away by other, less dynamic firms. One notable case was securing a six figure settlement in a claim that other firms may have classed as a minor, low value, insignificant injury claim. Success was achieved by ensuring that particular client’s ongoing and future long terms care requirements, were adequately assessed, valued and compensated for.

Away from work, Tracey enjoys watching rugby league, running, and finding new and interesting restaurants and bars to visit. She loves exploring Scotland and enjoys spending time with her pet West Highland Terrier, Ruby.

Whatever legal issues you are facing,
our team are here to help