Family Law Guidance for Matters Concerning Children

At Forster Dean Solicitors, our Family Law department is committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate legal support for individuals and families facing complex issues related to children. With offices conveniently located in St Helens, Runcorn, and Widnes, our expert family law solicitor is here to guide you through the legal intricacies surrounding children’s matters, ensuring the best interests of your family are protected.

Your Trusted Partner for Family Matters Involving Children

When it comes to legal matters concerning children, we understand the emotional challenges and sensitivities involved. Our dedicated Family Law department is here to provide the guidance and expertise you need to navigate these issues, making sure that your children’s welfare is a top priority.

Comprehensive Services for Children’s Matters

Our Family Law department offers a wide range of legal services to address various aspects of children’s matters:

1. Child Custody and Access: Although now referred to a ‘Child Arrangement Orders’ determining child custody and access arrangements is often one of the most critical and emotionally charged aspects of family law. We can help you negotiate, mediate, or litigate child custody issues to ensure that your children’s well-being and best interests are protected.

2. Child Support and Maintenance: If you require assistance in establishing or modifying child support or maintenance agreements, without recourse to the Child Maintenance Service, our experienced solicitors can provide guidance and representation to ensure fair and equitable financial support for your children.

3. Child Relocation Cases: In situations where one parent wishes to relocate with the children, we can assist in navigating the legal requirements and helping you reach a resolution that considers the children’s best interests.

4. Parental Rights and Responsibilities: We can provide legal advice and representation to help you understand and protect your parental rights and responsibilities, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of your obligations as a parent. Or enable you to attain such rights and responsibilities.

5. Adoption and Special Guardianship: If you are considering adoption or seeking special guardianship of a child, our Team can guide you through the legal process, ensuring that all necessary legal steps are taken to safeguard the child’s welfare.

Why Choose Forster Dean Solicitors for Children’s Matters?

Expertise: Our Family Law department consists of skilled lawyers who specialise in issues related to children. We stay up-to-date with the latest legal developments to provide you with the best possible advice and representation.

Child-Centred Approach: We are committed to putting the best interests of your children first. Our Team work diligently to create child-focused solutions that protect their well-being.

Compassion and Sensitivity: We understand that matters involving children can be emotionally charged. Our team approaches these issues with empathy and sensitivity, ensuring that your family receives the support it needs during challenging times.

Clear Communication: We believe in keeping our clients well-informed at every stage of their case. Our solicitors communicate complex legal matters in a clear and understandable way, so you can make informed decisions about your children’s future.

Cost-Effective Solutions: We understand the financial strains that legal proceedings can bring. Our goal is to provide cost-effective solutions, helping you secure the best outcomes for your family without unnecessary expenses.

At Forster Dean Solicitors, our Family Law department is dedicated to providing you with the legal support you need for matters concerning children. With our expertise and commitment to your family’s well-being, we are ready to assist you in St Helens, Runcorn, Widnes, and beyond. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward ensuring your children’s future is in capable hands.


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