Many police forces launch drink and drug driving campaigns this weekend. You may see an increased police presence on the roads over the next few weeks and there is likely to be a surge of those over the limit ‘the morning after.’

christmas drink driving campaignWe all enjoy the office Christmas party and people assume that a few hours sleep will rid their system of anything they have taken. The reality is you may well still be over the limit for quite some time after. ‘Feeling fine to drive’ is no defence in law. Our advice is not to take risk – get a taxi or a lift from a sober friend. Drink and drug driving convictions can be devastating.

If you do need assistance, please call us. We are here to help. We will be at your side during this difficult time and we may be able to save your licence. We can also assist in getting you reduced driving bans and lower sentences.

We offer fixed fees and candid advice about your case.

Please call us on 0333 323 1830 anytime.