Once Christmas is over there is a surge of enquiries to solicitors regarding divorce (1).  It seems that couples wait until Christmas is over to make their decisions usually due to family commitments. Many couples who are feeling trapped in a relationship commence their new year with a trip to their solicitors for advice as to how to proceed.   According to recent figures (2) January is the busiest time for divorce with an increase of 30% over the rest of the year.

Divorce can be an emotional time so it is important to get arrangements in order and correct as getting it wrong can be costly.  It is a time when the heart can rule the head and poor decisions can be made.  It is Important to seek expert legal advice as many things need to be considered such as the financial implications; for example pensions and property splits and most importantly any children from the relationship.

Christmas highlights potential unhappy partners for many reasons such as financial worries and office party flings. A total of 42% blamed a partner’s affair as the reason for seeking legal advice.  Advice centres (2) have surveyed 100 UK law firms including 2,000 individuals. Their findings revealed that 20% reported that their marriage was on shaky ground.  It also found that both male and females seek advice from solicitors without their partner’s knowledge.

Most people who seek advice end up divorcing at some stage and it can be Christmas and the time spent together that can bring matters to a head due to rows and disagreements. New Year can also be a time for re-evaluating life and some people make resolutions as a way of improving their life and future.  Daily life has a way of masking a couples’ relationship as today many couples hold down full time positions as well as caring for a home and family which can place an enormous strain on any relationship.

Numbers in excess of 1.8 million couples (2) think about divorce over Christmas and three quarters of this figure are women.

If you are considering divorce or separation, then why not contact one of our friendly staff members who are experts in divorce law. Our understanding and sympathetic family law department based in St Helens will offer a free initial consultation meaning you can gain an understanding of your position legally without and expense or obligation to take matters further.

