Lasting Power of Attorney Legal Advice
There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney:
1. A Lasting Power of Attorney for Property and Financial Affairs. This allows your attorney to deal with your property, manage your bank accounts, make and sell investments and spend your money.
2. A Lasting Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare. This allows your attorney to make decisions about your personal welfare, including your daily routine, medical treatment, diet, dress, where you live and can give them the right to withdraw life saving treatment.
You can make either or both types of Lasting Power of Attorney. By planning positively, you choose who you would like to act on your behalf if you are unable to do so. Charges for preparing a Lasting Power of Attorney are only incurred once.
If there is no Lasting Power of Attorney in place and a person loses mental capacity or becomes physically unable to manage their own affairs, the options left to the relatives are far more expensive and time consuming than if that person had prepared a Lasting Power of Attorney in advance. In these circumstances it is often necessary to apply to the Court of Protection for the appointment of a Deputy. You do not choose your Deputy. Charges for a Deputy can be high and they are incurred on an annual basis.
Speak to us today on 0151 422 0982 to find out how we can help. Our office doors are open should you wish to stop by to discuss your claim. We have offices in St Helens, Widnes and Runcorn.