When someone passes away, the remaining family have to deal with the legal aspects of their estate. This can be a complicated undertaking, especially if you have never dealt with it before. That’s why it’s important to have a qualified probate solicitor on your side to help guide you through the process.

What is Probate?

Probate is the legal process of settling someone’s estate after they have died and includes abiding by the wishes in the deceased’s Will and settling any outstanding debts. The initial step is to apply for a grant of probate which then gives you the authority to settle the estate.

The person who is allowed to handle probate for someone who has recently died is known as the executor. In normal circumstances, the executor or executors are nominated in the deceased’s Will.

Their job is to gather the deceased’s assets and distribute them according to the terms of the will. For many estates, this may be a relatively simple process and it is possible to handle the probate on your own. For complicated estates, however, it’s advisable to have a solicitor on your side.

In addition to realising the wishes laid down in the will, as an executor you will need to handle the task of contacting banks and building societies etc and notifying them of the person’s death.

What Happens if Someone Dies Intestate?

If a Will has not been left, the person is said to have died intestate. This means that someone needs to be nominated as the administrator of the estate through the courts. This can be complicated, especially if others are contesting the estate which is why it is essential to have a solicitor on hand to offer advice and support.

What Does a Probate Solicitor Do?

A probate solicitor can guide you through the process of settling an estate and can give you peace of mind that you are doing everything that needs to be done legally. They are essential if you are dealing with a complex estate and their input and support help prevent problems at what is often quite an emotional time.

Why Choose Forster Dean, Probate Solicitor in St Helens

If you have been asked to settle a Will and live in St Helens, Forster Dean offer the full range of probate services with a qualified and experienced team on hand who can give you all the support that you need.

Dealing with probate when a loved one has passed away can be a daunting prospect. At Forster Dean, you’ll find a sympathetic team who will guide you through the process and help you deal with all the legal obligations of settling someone’s estate.

If your loved one died without leaving a will, we can explain all about applying for the Grant of Letters of Administration and help you navigate the complexities of someone passing away intestate.

If you are searching for a probate solicitor in St Helen’s, contact our friendly, expert team today.