Last Saturday over 60 of Forster Dean’s staff attended a clay pigeon shoot and BBQ.

The weather gods were as kind as ever for a Forster Dean summer day out. Rain had been predicted but the sun shone.

Teams were picked and the shooting began. For those who had never shot a gun before, the shock of using one for the first time was immense, but not quite as big as the shock of actually hitting a clay! Malcolm Keenan, from our Widnes office, proved to be the marksman of the day. Prompting some to believe he had led a previous life as a hitman or sharpshooter. The women of the firm weren’t to be out done with some brilliant scores from Lydia, Pauline, Lauren and Jenni (although some suspect it was a different Jenni to the one that claimed the bottle of champagne prize!)

The day was a great laugh from start to finish and well worth the sore shoulders the following day. Once the competition was over we moved to the farm garden for a BBQ and a well earned drink. The atmosphere was one of fun and relaxation which just kept going as the never ending food and drink continued.

Hot-Shot Malcolm was also a whizz with his camera!  Check out his photos here

Can’t wait to see what the Directors will line up for us next!