Being in a serious accident and suffering a major injury is a life-changing event and it can happen to anyone. If you have suffered from a serious injury, you have the opportunity to make what is called a catastrophic injury claim to help put you life back together and provide ongoing financial assistance.

Unlike personal injury where the compensation can be relatively minor, serious injuries can mean that you require a lifetime of support and that can significantly increase the amount of compensation you are reasonably due.

If you have a loved one who isn’t able to claim for themselves or someone under the age of 18 who has suffered a serious injury, then you can act for them through a solicitor.

What is a Serious Injury?

These are often called catastrophic injuries. They have an immediate and long-lasting impact on the individual. An example would be if you had an accident and suffered a spinal cord injury that meant you could no longer walk. You might lose a limb or suffer brain damage that will significantly affect you now and in the future.

The Impact of a Serious Injury

Because of the extent of the injury, there is going to be a major impact on your life and how you go about it. You may well find you are no longer able to work, or at least aren’t able to continue to do the same job. You might need assistance with daily living such as a home that is wheelchair friendly or a car that has been specially adapted. You may require continuing physiotherapy or need to have home care to support you.

All these things, of course, cost money and the purpose of the serious injury compensation is to provide the finances that you will need going forward.

How Can Forster Dean Help?

While it may not be the first thing on your mind after a catastrophic injury, engaging a local solicitor is important. At Forster Dean, once we know what sort of injury you have we can begin to put together the support you are going to need. That could include carrying out an Immediate Needs Assessment and any other further assessments you will require as your rehabilitation moves forward.

The claim we make will probably include an upfront or interim payment from the defendant. There are two reasons for this: the first is that your needs are fairly immediate and urgent. The second is that, with serious injuries, it can take a while to fix a figure for the full compensation. A lot will depend on how you respond to treatment and what your future needs are going to be and that takes time to assess.

The aim here is to ensure that your expenses are met pretty much from the outset so you don’t have to worry about using your own finances such as savings or even re-mortgaging your home. The final settlement for your compensation is going to depend on a range of factors. If you aren’t able to work again, for example, you have a right to be compensated for loss of earnings. Any adaptions to your home will have to be catered for as well.

Forster Dean have the serious injury specialists on board who will make sure that you needs are looked after from the outset. If you or a family member has suffered from such an injury, contact our professional team today to arrange a consultation. We have offices in St Helens, Widnes and Runcorn, call us on 0808 278 4612.