Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer can display itself in a number of a different ways. The symptom which most people associate with breast cancer, is a lump. Not all lumps are cancerous, in fact, most are benign but it is always advisable to go and get checked out. Other symptoms of...


In February 2014, Director from Forster Dean Solicitors, Dan Thompson is leaving the comfort of his own office for 2 weeks to travel to Uganda as part of a mission through St Peters Church and St Peters Primary School in Heswall. Both the church and school have a long...

Mac Mug visits Forster Dean Solicitors

With less than a week to go before the ‘World Biggest Coffee Morning’ Forster Dean have ‘mug-napped’ Muggy for a few days to help with their Coffee Morning preparations. Muggy, who is Macmillan’s mascot for their flagship fundraising event the World’s Biggest...