Solicitors in St Helens

Solicitors in St Helens

Legal advice can often seem like a stuffy, rather distant thing. At Forster Dean, we like to put a human face to everything we do. We’re solicitors in St Helens that look to provide practical legal solutions for our clients, whether they’re making a personal injury...
Writing a Will in St Helens

Writing a Will in St Helens

According to the research as many as two thirds of us don’t have a formal document like a will which sets out what is to happen to our assets if we should die. Of course, most people avoid it as they don’t like to start thinking about when they will no longer be here....
Probate Solicitors in St Helens

Legal Advice in St Helens

If you are looking for legal advice and live in St Helens, the team at Forster Dean can help you with a whole range of legal challenges. Whether you need advice about a personal injury claim, have been the victim of clinical negligence or need a hand with some...