Seeking Legal Advice After a Road Traffic Accident

Seeking Legal Advice After a Road Traffic Accident

The number of road traffic accidents in the UK (and worldwide) has been increasing. Our motorways and city roads are busier than ever before and it can often only take a small loss of concentration to find yourself in a collision with another vehicle. The top causes...
Leaving a Gift to a Charity as Part of Your Will

Leaving a Gift to a Charity as Part of Your Will

Leaving a Gift to a Charity as Part of Your Will Making a will, of course, is important and can ensure that your assets are distributed as you want in the event of your death. More and more people nowadays, however, are also considering leaving money to a charity of...
Does Your Will Cover Your Digital Assets?

Does Your Will Cover Your Digital Assets?

Does Your Will Cover Your Digital Assets? We all know that having a will is a good idea. It ensures that, when you pass away, your assets are distributed according to your wishes and your loved ones don’t have to worry about settling your estate. One thing we often...
Using a Solicitor for a Settlement Agreement

Using a Solicitor for a Settlement Agreement

When your employment with a particular employer ends, you may be asked to sign what is called a settlement agreement. This is a legal document that stipulates the conditions for parting company and is commonly used in cases such as redundancy where an employee is...
Legal Advice After an Unfair Dismissal

Legal Advice After an Unfair Dismissal

Legal Advice After an Unfair Dismissal Being dismissed from a job can not only impact on your immediate financial status but may also have an effect on your future employability. It’s important to know what your rights are when it comes to situations like this. If you...
Reasons to Update Your Will

Reasons to Update Your Will

Reasons to Update Your Will If you have a will, first of all, we’d like to congratulate you. Many in the UK put off making one, either because they haven’t got time or simply don’t want to face the prospect of one day not being here. A will is a legal document that...
Expert Legal Advice for the Polish Community

Expert Legal Advice for the Polish Community

Expert Legal Advice for the Polish Community Widnes and the North West is home to a thriving Polish community that contributes a lot to the local area. Accessing legal advice can be difficult if your first language isn’t English and can often put members of this...
Conveyancing Solicitor Near Me

Conveyancing Solicitor Near Me

Conveyancing Solicitor Near Me There’s no doubt that dealing with a property transaction can involve a lot of frustration. Whether you’re buying a home, selling, renting a property out or have decided to go for a remortgage, one thing you always need is a good legal...
Employment Law Solicitors Near Me

Employment Law Solicitors Near Me

Employment Law Solicitors Near Me We spend a large part of our lives at work and it is an important part of who we are. It gives us the we need money to live on, the chance to build a career and contributes to our own sense of wellbeing and our place in the world. We...
Christmas Drink and Drug Driving Campaigns

Christmas Drink and Drug Driving Campaigns

Many police forces launch drink and drug driving campaigns this weekend. You may see an increased police presence on the roads over the next few weeks and there is likely to be a surge of those over the limit ‘the morning after.’ We all enjoy the office Christmas...